Saturday, September 22, 2007

The first half of Manhattan or how I respect football as a sport but hate how lives revolve around it.

I woke up this lovely saturday knowing there was not a chance in the world I was going to finish all 3 of my films before I left on sunday morning. But I didn't expect to not even finish one of my films. Packing and clothes hunting took up the majority of my morning, thought I was able to use part of that morning to watch the first 45 minutes of Woody Allen's film Manhattan. Right off the bat I noticed how good the score was and how the opening narration of the story was really cool. I didn't really enjoy all the pompous dialouge that seemed to know how full of crap it was. But the movie was so far enjoyable even though I couldn't take my mind off the irony of Woody dating a 17 year old in a film. After the first 45 minutes or so I had to take a break to do some more packing. Around Noon my Ipod died and this made me very angry. My grandmother came over to help me pack and after thinking of something to do about this I went out to get some extra clothes for the trip (can't get enough non-jean pants). While out I bought a cool little guitar simulator for my Nintendo DS entitled Jam sessions. Around 5:00 I went out to eat at Locos(love that grilled cajun shrimp). Now on my way home I am already packed, So I am expecting to get home, casually sit down and watch the rest of Manhattan. Errh, Wrong. This next part is my own fault, I had forgotten Smashing Pumpkins tickets went on sale today. SO I promply bought 4 (section NN :/. It could be worse) This takes about 30 minutes due to some computer trouble. By now my mother is home from my sisters wedding shower (which had a Georgia Bulldogs theme by the way). Just in time for the game! Wait...the game? I have to watch Manhattan! "Its Homework!" I cry. "watch it on the computer" she retorts. "But the computer is slow and I would really rather watch it in here, Football is the same quality anywhere, films are different." I whine. (In saddened tone) "Fine.." So now I go upstairs and ask Tina Jones some questions about what she is brining on the college trip. I come back, TV is still on, Georgia and Alabama are tied. I care enough about football to pay attention to UGA, it is of course our hometown staple. But damn if football doesn't interefere with a lot of my life. My sister and her fiance recieved a Bulldog Honey Moonpack for their shower by the way. Best wishes to them.

In conclusion, I now know why they don't play football in the streets of Manhattan.


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