Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Analysis of "The Gospel According to Mark" by Jorge Luis Borges

When reading "The Gospel According to Mark" by Jorge Luis Borges the bible references are easily detected with allusions to "the great flood" and how the family begins to worship Espinoza (sp?) according to his teachings. But its how far Jorge takes it, to an ultimately completely unexpected level culminating in an implied crucifixion; this is where the real social commentary comes into play. We the reader sit here and notice the obvious allusions to the bible, but it is not until the end, where it is too late, that we find out how dangerous it all ends up being. It is almost like a kind of scary warning for society. We sit here aware of how many people just blindly follow whoever is in charge,in yet will it be too late before we realize how dangerous the situation is? It is very relevant in todays society where Christianity and the US government have seemingly mixed, the dangerous blind followers increase in numbers everyday, it could all culminate into a consequence more dangerous than any of us would expect.


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