Thursday, November 29, 2007

"You Must Know Everything" by Isaac Babel Analysis

When looking upon the work of a young writer there is a certain "feel" that is naturally attributed by knowledge of the authors age. Once a writer reaches a certain age, he can still write about childhood and it can still feel natural. But its impossible to really gain the perspective of a young writer, who has just become old enough to reflect upon himself, and his past; once you reach the age where Childhood becomes more of just a far off memory. The benefit that Isaac Babel had at the time of writing this story, is that these memories of a grandmother and her sad aspirations for her grandson to "know everything" are not some long lost memory. This is a recent event, being reflected upon immediately post-childhood. This story in its emotion, construction, and insight on the mind of a child, and the awkwardness we sometimes feel from our elders has helped me to realize the advantage a young writer has while all of these events are so close in his memory or even unfolding upon him currently. Everyone injects a bit of themselves into their writing, best to do it while you are at your peak.



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